Module OCamlR_base.Numeric

include OCamlR.Atomic_vector
include OCamlR.Vector
include OCamlR.SXP
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val is_function : t -> bool
val attr : t -> string -> OCamlR.sexp
val _class_ : t -> string list
val nil_map : t -> f:(t -> 'a) -> 'a option
val print : t -> unit
val unsafe_of_sexp : OCamlR.sexp -> t
val to_sexp : t -> OCamlR.sexp
type repr
val length : t -> int
val of_array : repr array -> t
val of_list : repr list -> t
val to_array : t -> repr array
val to_list : t -> repr list
val get : t -> int -> repr
val of_array_opt : repr option array -> t
val to_array_opt : t -> repr option array
val get_opt : t -> int -> repr option
val get2 : t -> int -> int -> repr
val c : t list -> t
module Matrix : Matrix with type repr := repr and type vector := t