Module OCamlR.Sexptype

Algebraic datatype reflecting R's dynamic typing.

type t =
| NilSxp
| SymSxp
| ListSxp
| CloSxp
| EnvSxp
| PromSxp
| LangSxp
| SpecialSxp
| BuiltinSxp
| CharSxp
| LglSxp
| IntSxp
| RealSxp
| CplxSxp
| StrSxp
| DotSxp
| AnySxp
| VecSxp
| ExprSxp
| BcodeSxp
| ExtptrSxp
| WeakrefSxp
| RawSxp
| S4Sxp
| FunSxp
val of_sexp : sexp -> t

Returns the R dynamic typing of a wrapped R value.

val to_string : t -> string