List traversal with fold
The first and foremost feature of a functional language is that
variables can't be modified (they are said to be immutable). A
direct implication of this is that for
and while
loops become
useless: since iterations can't modify variables, they are doomed to
reproduce the same calculation each time. In functional programming,
loops are replaced by recursive functions to perform iterative
calculations. Let us start with an example.
Sum of integers
Suppose we'd like to compute the sum of $n$ integers $x_1,\dots,x_n$. A simple recursive formulation for this is to say that we can compute the sum of the first $n-1$ integers and add the last one to the result. In more formal terms:
$$ \begin{aligned} S_n & = & \sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i\\ & = & \sum_{i=1}^{n - 1} x_i + x_n\\ & = & S_{n-1} + x_n \end{aligned} $$
This formulation can be translated verbatim in OCaml:
let rec sum xs = match xs with | [] -> 0 | h :: t -> h + sum t ;; val sum : int list -> int = <fun>
If the list is empty, we return the neutral element for the addition (i.e. 0) and if it has at least one element we add it to the sum of the remaining elements.
Products of integers
Let's now write a function that computes the product of the integers in a list. We can employ a very similar recursive formulation:
let rec product xs = match xs with | [] -> 1 | h :: t -> h * product t ;; val product : int list -> int = <fun>
Two things have changed:
- the empty list case now returns the neutral element for the product, i.e. 1
- the way the head of the list
is combined to the result of the recursive call. We now use the product operator( * )
Concatenation of strings
Interestingly, the function that concatenates all strings from a list is absolutely similar:
let rec concat xs = match xs with | [] -> "" | h :: t -> h ^ concat t ;; val concat : string list -> string = <fun>
Now the neutral element is an empty string and the head of the list is
combined to the result of the recursive call using the append operator
for strings ( ^ )
One function to write them all
Since those three functions are so similar, we can in fact see them as
particular instances of a more general function, usually named
. We have seen that what differs between two functions is a
binary operation and its associated neutral element. Let's set them as
let rec fold f e xs = match xs with | [] -> e | h :: t -> f h (fold f e t) ;; val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b = <fun>
The type is now more complex, and displays type variables, which
express typing constraints between the arguments of fold
. Let's
consider them from right to left:
- the third argument is of type
'a list
, meaning we're going to process a list of values of type'a
(in our case,'a
was firstint
). - the second argument is an initial value of type
(in our case it was successively0
). - the first argument is a function to combine elements of the lists (e.g. integers) with the result we are computing (e.g. sum).
Our three functions can now be rewritten in the following way:
let sum xs = fold ( + ) 0 xs;; val sum : int list -> int = <fun> let prod xs = fold ( * ) 1 xs;; val prod : int list -> int = <fun> let concat xs = fold ( ^ ) "" xs;; val concat : string list -> string = <fun>
That is, once fold
is available, their implementation becomes very
concise, which lets significantly less opportunities to make mistakes!
is basically a general way to perform an iterative
computation, like we would do with a loop: we put an initial value in
a accumulator variable, then we consider successively the elements of
the list by updating the variable with its previous value combined
with the next element in the list. It is then as expressive as a
loop, but a lot safer, since we don't need to take care of the loop
nor handle the accumulator variable correctly.
Note that there are two "natural" ways to iterate over a list (from
left to right, or from right to left), and that is why the standard
library offers two functions, List.fold_left
. As an exercice, try to figure out which one it is
that we wrote (beware, there's a trap).
Since a fold
function is a way to iterate over a collection, we
could write some for other collections like trees, graphs, sets, hash
tables and so on. But that's yet another story.
P.S. A call to fold
is hidden in this messy code. Will you find it?
open Gg;; open Vg;; let cut_outline path img = let area = `O { P.o with P.width = 0.001 } in I.cut ~area path img ;; val cut_outline : Vg.path -> Vg.image -> Vg.image = <fun> let quadrilateral a b c d p = p |> P.sub a |> P.line b |> P.line c |> P.line d |> P.close ;; val quadrilateral : Gg.p2 -> Gg.p2 -> Gg.p2 -> Gg.p2 -> Vg.path -> Vg.path = <fun> let nested_squares_path n = let init = ( V2.v (-. 0.5) (-. 0.5), V2.v 0.5 (-. 0.5), V2.v 0.5 0.5, V2.v (-. 0.5) 0.5 ) in let f _ (accu, (a, b, c, d)) = let a' = V2.( a + 0.1 * (d - a) ) in let b' = V2.( b + 0.1 * (a - b) ) in let c' = V2.( c + 0.1 * (b - c) ) in let d' = V2.( d + 0.1 * (c - d) ) in (accu |> quadrilateral a' b' c' d', (a', b', c', d')) in List.init 100 (fun x -> x) |> fold f (P.empty, init) |> fst ;; val nested_squares_path : 'a -> Vg.path = <fun> let nested_squares = cut_outline (nested_squares_path 100) (I.const |> I.move (V2.v 0.5 0.5) ;; val nested_squares : Vg.image = <abstr> nested_squares;;
- : unit = ()